
I’m passionate about working on problems throughout the data space – from strategy and analytics, modeling and data science, and upstream data infrastructure development. I currently work at Capital One where I’ve led teams across those domains, including initiatives to develop better fit-for-purpose models and to reimagine our analytical infrastructure with innersource tools.

Currently, I’m most energized by problems related to reproducible research and analytical tooling, data management and metric/feature innovation, and causal inference. In my free time, I enjoy working on open source and pro-bono projects, reviewing (50+!) book proposals for CRC Press, and serving on the editorial board of rOpenSci.

Previously, I earned degrees in Mathematics and Mathematical Decision Sciences (Stats / OR) at UNC Chapel Hill. At Carolina, I was a research assistant in the Department of Statistics & Operations Research and focused on testing the impact of Emergency Department patient flow strategies using discrete event simulation.

When I’m not crunching numbers, I enjoy reading, running and weightlifting, and watching college basketball (Go Tar Heels!)